
What’s the Buzz About Functional Wellness?


Health and Wellness is a rapidly growing global industry currently valued at about 6 trillion dollars. The industry has an incredibly broad umbrella that encompasses everything from physical training to personal care and beauty products, to nutrition and supplements, to wellness tourism. We get wrapped up in fad diets and quick fixes, always trying to get better at ______ (insert your health goal here). If we scale back and cut the crap, we can begin to see and understand the building blocks that make us who we are individually. Functional wellness helps us identify those building blocks and examine how those foundational pieces exist together and impact each other.

Two years ago my body declared war on me. My physical, psychological, and emotional selves were in a state of combat; I tried to use logic to reason that I was okay, and my body rejected it. I contracted an average of 2 illnesses per month that year. My hair was falling out from stress, I was not getting restful sleep, I had no energy for my job, lacked patience with my kids, and certainly couldn’t worry about exercise and healthy nutrition on top of that. I felt so strongly that without major change, I was either going to die of a heart attack at age 40 or develop cancer. 

The first step was to address my psychological health. Once my nervous system had calmed down, I started to look at the other pieces, one at a time. It was a slow and steady process and I surrounded myself with a support network of people who could hold me accountable. It was glaringly evident that 1) all of the parts of my life affect my wellness, and each of them needs to be addressed and nurtured, and 2) without people to guide me along the way, I may not have made the change on my own. 

Now at age 41, my body and mind are in alignment, I sleep well, and make quality time with my children. I’ve regained interest and time for eating well and exercising, and my hair is growing back. I’m out of crisis and into a phase of maintenance where I continue to nurture all aspects of my health. 

Functional wellness is an emerging paradigm in the field of health and wellness that emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Unlike traditional models that often isolate various aspects of health, functional wellness takes a holistic approach, considering all dimensions of a person’s life—physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental. 

At its core, functional wellness is about understanding the individual as a complete entity rather than a collection of symptoms or health issues. It operates on the premise that wellness is not merely the absence of disease but a state of optimal function and balance in life. This approach recognizes that various factors influence well-being, including genetics, lifestyle choices, emotional health, and the environment. By acknowledging these interconnections, functional wellness empowers individuals to take proactive steps toward achieving and maintaining their health.

One of the primary principles of functional wellness is personalization. Each individual has a unique set of circumstances that affect their health, such as their family history, dietary habits, physical activity levels, and stressors. Functional wellness advocates for tailored interventions that reflect these individual differences. For example, a health plan designed for one individual might focus on nutrition and physical fitness, while for another, it might emphasize mindfulness practices and community engagement. This personalization can lead to more effective and sustainable health outcomes, as individuals are more likely to engage in practices that resonate with their specific needs and preferences.

Another essential aspect of functional wellness is the integration of lifestyle factors. It encourages individuals to adopt a balanced approach to their routines that encompasses nutrition, exercise, stress management, and social connections. The emphasis on lifestyle is critical in the prevention of chronic diseases and the promotion of long-term health. For instance, individuals who integrate regular physical activity into their daily lives, maintain a balanced diet, and foster meaningful relationships tend to experience improved mental and physical health outcomes. The multifaceted focus of functional wellness aims not just at treating problems when they arise but also at cultivating a foundation of well-being.

The healthcare system in the United States is designed to cure acute illness. Chronic disease is the result of an imbalance in the body and cellular dysfunction. Currently, 60% of American adults experience one or more chronic diseases. When we are inundated with chronic disease, we need to look at root causes and lifestyle changes, not just treat the symptoms with medications. Functional wellness encourages a proactive and preventative mindset. It guides people to practice healthy lifestyle habits that foster resilience and improve vitality. 

In addition, when practicing functional wellness, we are empowered to take charge of our well-being and health! What if we could trust ourselves and listen to our bodies to know what we need? We could make informed decisions about our health from a holistic, comprehensive place. Functional wellness encourages self-efficacy, personal responsibility, and ownership. 

In addition to its psychological and physical benefits, functional wellness promotes a sense of empowerment. By adopting a holistic perspective on health, individuals learn to take charge of their well-being. This empowerment is a crucial aspect of functional wellness, as it encourages self-efficacy and personal responsibility. Such ownership fosters a deeper understanding of one’s body and how various lifestyle factors influence overall health, enabling individuals to make informed choices.

By integrating physical, emotional, and social dimensions, and focusing on personalization and prevention, functional wellness empowers individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. This is the first step towards living a balanced, integrated, and healthy life. 

Change and growth are challenging, and you can do it! I’d love to help you get started on your health journey!! Reach out to me here to get started.

You can learn more about Coach Emily HERE or schedule a free introductory call with her HERE.



  • Hernandez, A. (2019). Empower Yourself: The Health Benefits of Personalization. Wellness Journal.
  • Hoffman, J. (2018). Holistic Healing: Understanding Functional Wellness. Health and Wellness Magazine.
  • McGowan, C. (2021). The Importance of Lifestyle Integration in Health. Journal of Preventive Medicine.
  • Meyer, L. (2020). Proactive Health: The Functional Wellness Approach. Nutritional Science Review.
  • Patterson, L., Smith, R., & Johnson, B. (2018). Personalized Health: Tailoring Wellness to Individual Needs. Journal of Health Psychology.


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